Such a profound experience. This is just what our world needs right now. Thank you Mira for providing this opportunity and helping to change the world one heart at a time.


Beautiful, transformative – expertly and sensitively held by Mira. High quality on every level – a safe, expansive, empowering and healing space. SO grateful.


The dance was energising, cathartic and nourishing- a perfect tonic for these trying times. I felt connected to myself, to the other dancers and the global community; Mira held the online space so skilfully and beautifully- my body felt listened to and my spirit guided. Being new to the practice, I left the dance jumping for joy and daring to dream.


The dance ceremony was exceptional! The fact that it was online didn’t stand in the way of feeling deeply connected to the other dancers. Mira’s guidance was incredibly healing, elevating and inspiring. I have been dancing with Mira for over three years now and her mastery is always deepening and blossoming. I am so grateful for these spaces.


Each class supports me to reach into unexplored parts of myself – to discover a gift of something new, a piece of myself that needed recognition, or a quality that wishes to make itself known and to integrate itself into my life


With Mira’s gentle support I’ve been able to transform old and limiting beliefs I held about myself. In the freedom and creativity of the dance, I‘m discovering more of my true potential and evolving into a place of owning and shining my own light.


Mira has an intuitive understanding of movement and transformational process. She creates a safe, sacred space in which to connect deeply with your own body’s wisdom. I have often surprised myself with the energy and insights I’ve accessed under her attuned guidance. Resistance and inhibitions melt away and I am transported by the evocative music to a place within where I can dance with all my being.


Thankful for Mira’s sacred space holding. Feeling transformed after dancing in her Movement Medicine class last night. Grateful for your precision and grace as a teacher. You freed up a space for deep internal reflection, connection to ourselves, each other, our collective history, opening to life in the present and the possibilities awaiting us. It was a truly moving and profound experience. This is beautiful medicine and the music is delicious!
